Saturday 29 October 2011

Good night....

Had a great night at Anthea & David's wedding,

Regarding pain....  Had to take panadeine forte on top of the normal meds, still only gave me a little relief.

Still watching the second season of 'angel', enjoy watching it even if it is the 5th time.

Friday 28 October 2011

Ho Hum

Just finished watching the first season of  'Angel'. great show :)

Hopefully i can get some sleep tonight, haven't been able to for a couple of weeks now.
Pain and meds cause me to sleep all times of the day.

Time to go and watch season 2 of  'Angel'.

Thursday 27 October 2011


Pain, i live life in constant pain. Peripheral nueropathy in my hands & legs below the knees, let me say it is hell! Morpehene for the pain, antidepressants to help keep my mind in the right place, not that they always work :( for that matter neither do the pain meds. You may well ask how did i get to this state in the first place ?

Stupidity and marijuana!

Both led to uncontrolled diabetes, depression, obesity and a lust for doing as little as possible.

I need a walking stick for my right leg, have two heart conditions, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe pain & depression.

My wife tells me it is not my fault, my reply is ofcourse it is and no one will ever tell me otherwise. My stupidty for trying marijuana, which led to more than a 15 year addiction, during which time i didn't control my diabetes and the result is where i am in life right now....